Who We Are

Our mission.

The Jeffrey L. Nissen Arts Education & Development Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization based in New York. Our mission is to support artists in their pursuit of knowledge and enrichment through educational opportunities. We empower artists to achieve their full potential and enhance the future of the arts.

Our story.

The Fund was established in 2023 by the family of Jeffrey L. Nissen. Jeffrey was a partner in TRIAD Theatrical Lighting and Special Effects Company and provided the special effects and lighting for many Broadway Shows and Rock Concerts, including Pink Floyd, The Jackson Five, The Commodores, and KISS. With KISS, he toured, designed, and built many of their special effects. His passion for the arts was unwavering and he dedicated himself to creating opportunities for his family to follow their dreams. The Fund is committed to preserving his legacy by empowering emerging professionals to pursue their passions, just as he did.